Emerald : a stone with the colour of hope
Emeralds are one of the most sought after gemstones due to their scarcity, beauty and characteristic green colour.
They belong to the beryl family. The finest specimens generally come from Columbia and from the Muzo mine more specifically. Other mines located in Brazil or the Russian Urals also produce fine quality stones. They frequently contain natural “mossy” inclusions that do not affect their clarity if they are low in number. This gem is highly-prized by jewellers.
Hardness : 7.5 to 8 out of 10. Colour : vert clair cristallin à vert foncé.
Horoscope : MAY birthstone. Symbol of hope, vitality and fertility.
Lithotherapy : powerful stimulator for physical and intellectual development. A calm stone that brings inner peace and harmony between physical, intellectual and emotional planes. Beneficial to improve eyesight and memory.
Characteristics :
Cuts :

Crystal system : Hexagonal
Specific Weight : 2.71
Refractive index : 1.56 – 1.60
Group : Beryl
Composition : Aluminium silicate
Hardness : 8
Birefringence : 0.004 to 0.010
Pleochroism : Depends on colour